There be many who roam this Universe, both clean and unclean.
Many are associated with fairy tales of their capabilities.
The Population of Humans veered toward many Heroes, heroines, and Villains either as their saviors or who they dreaded the most.
In the Mythology of my culture, the Yoruba culture, there are different gods associated with diverse functionality and operability.
They are worshipped and served with uttermost reverence.
These gods have the oblations performed unto them at their appropriate times,
For example, the god of Iron popularly called 'Ogun' in my dialect is a god that is associated with all kinds of metals you can find on this planet, and dogs are used in performing oblations with its blood.
Numerous other gods with their symbolic rites,
All of these with every other idol are answerable to one true God of the Universe.
Most Religious Leaders that have graced this planet bring messages of Hope, Blessings, and Comfort, and few promise the parity of the beauty of the afterlife.
There is only an individual in the Person of Jesus Christ who like the other few promises the afterlife and demonstrated it by experiencing it himself in his death and resurrection and Paul in
Philippians 3:10 said;

That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death

This power of his resurrection thumbs every other diety that has graced the face of this planet.

These in fellowship with Satan and his hosts thought to alienate Christ to hades in his death, to prevent the resurrection of the dead but the supremacy of Jesus's powers thumped their agenda.
In all these, when we are conformable in his death, we gain the Powers of his Resurrection.


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