Even before the fall of Adam, there has been a Power tussle in the Cosmos about who is the most revered especially in the Universe.

May it be known that the Garden of Eden is not anywhere near this Planet.

This Sphere seems to be a Punishing atmosphere for erring creatures made by the Divine.

As Satan was exiled into this World, Humans were also exited from the Garden.

You may want to ask, how did he gain entrance then into the Garden of Eden.

Refer back to the first sentence as I wouldn't want to bore you with endless theology.

Satan was so powerful to the extent that he dragged the body of Moses.

Angel Michael had to use a Mystery stranger to Satan to shelve him to claim Moses.

The power Satan wields was so powerful that he invaded the gathering of Saints and the Most High had to peruse a dialogue to distract him from the intents and prayers of the other Saints so as not to contaminate their Oblations.

The reason for all these shows of force from the Devil is Simple.


Up until that time, Satan holds the Keys to the Universe.

God in his faithfulness procured unto the divine man a great portion of the Garden of Eden, a Universe on its own and by extension extends to this sphere.

The Garden of Eden had to be secured by flaming fiery Angels, not because of mere mortals but to mitigate the destruction of the destroyer.

The Master Planner knowing all these had to prepare reparations for Men and take back total control of the Cosmos and sent his Son Jesus Christ to redeem from the Curse of Law.

Satan kept these keys in Hades, the reason why Jesus Christ had to descend into the lowest part to secure the Freedom of Men.

Philippians 2:9-11

Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name:

 10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;

 11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Since the Seal had been broken over 2000 years ago, Satan trembles at the name, JESUS CHRIST.


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