There is so many Philosophy in the World that speaks about religion and which to practice to reach the Aquarian Age or Paradise.

There are Nine different levels of initiation on the Planet, the Sixth level is the Level of the Ascended master, and the Fifth level is the Level of Ancient Wisdom.

The occupiers of this ninth level are Sanat Kumara who the Christians have designated Satan.

He often appears as a 16-year-old male.

This confirms the Biblical sayings of Jesus Christ that Satan masquerades as the angel of light.

A 16-year-old is almost pure in heart with less vices.

Jesus Christ occupied the Sixth Level of Initiation which is why he is regarded as the Ascended Master.

It is also said that the Violet Flame rules Karma and it determines if one is going to Paradise or Hell.

It is said that God is a consuming fire speaks of the Violet Flame.

Humans can attain the Fourth level of initiation when it comes to the consciousness of self-awareness.

He would later attain the Fifth level of initiation when he can indulge totally in the use of this phrase ----" I AM".

It is also noted that there are disparities as to the ascension of Ascended Masters in their Physical Bodies outside the Planes of this Dimension.

I was curious to see and know how I can intend to use the phrase " I AM" to attain this level of consciousness,
But I was *repared by my spirit that Satan became self-aware and in Isaiah 14:13;

For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north.

Becoming self-aware is not a sin in itself if it is done in the confines of the Holy Spirit.
It is also said that it is only when one gets to the Fifth level of initiation, reincarnation is not necessarily possible but Humans undergo it until they reach the fourth level of initiation called the stages of enlightenment.

In all, that which you hold, hold it firmly.

I call you Blessed,
Jesus is Lord,
We win.



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