Before the evolution of living things through to the evolved Homo Sapien, there was a Unit entity that explodes into various units which were termed 'The Big Bang Theory.

With these evolved the Solar System and all others known and unknown in the observable Universe.

It was from the Big Bang do we have terminologies, Fission and Fusion, although the name came to use year's later.

Decades passed before the Classification of living things by Carolus Linnaeus.

It was from this observation that there were distinguishing features among creations that inhabit the planet.

In 560 BC, the Greek state of Lydia in Asia Minor introduced the first gold coins. The use of gold coins as currency spread quickly throughout the Mediterranean and the Middle East regions further disintegrating the impact of Bi-lateral buying and selling.

The ages of these Philosophers, Saint Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274), Aristotle (384–322 BCE) Confucius (551–479 BCE) René Descartes (1596–1650).

They tried to hold onto the Multiplexity of knowledge by engaging multiple disciplines. This went down to the age of the Industrial Revolution when disciplines are segregated into more simple units.

The Planet is made up of Seven Continents and these vary significantly in Development in all aspects like Structural, Behavioral, Morals, Economical, Cultural, etc.

It is said that some of the developed countries of these continents are superimposing their way of life on less developed ones thereby erasing the cultures of the former.

Can there be a Unilateral Development in which expertise in and around the planet would be equal?

There are so many organizations on this planet that strive to achieve this feat. like the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and numerous others.

On this ever-changing planet, as living things keep evolving with active research going on, it is almost impossible to achieve this feat.

The development gap as it is in developed countries and non-developed ones can in the figures be said to be 80-20.

The highest development that can bridge this gap can highest happen to be 65-35 in a percentage setting.

Considerable measures and great efforts will have to be put in place to achieve this feat.

The Planet can be a better place for all Humans to live even if not in Unilateral Development and still in our multi-faceted Lives when we cheer each other on.


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