DISCLAIMER: I may indirectly make references to posts of reputable men of God. This is not an attack on their personality or the anointing they carry. It is merely an observation. I will in no wise in my entirety mock or jest an anointed Man of God. Be it far from me.

A Prophet is a person regarded as an inspired teacher or proclaimer of the will of God.
A Prophet is also someone who declares publicly a message that he or she believes has come from God or god or a person who predicts the future.
Executive Prophet will on the other hand be a well-known acclaimed Man of God who has been tested and proven so many times and his prophecies are almost always accurate.
It is also worthy to note that Executive Prophet can also mean a well-accomplished or well-to-do individual whose sources may or may not necessarily be from God.
I watched a Video on Twitter tonight which has since been deleted which says:
'You can live a "golden spoon lifestyle" even if you were born with a silver spoon'
You only need your Mind/Brains to achieve this.
The above statement has so many people wanting to use their brains have derailed from the Apostolic Ministry to serving men and in the process lose their faith in running to smaller gods.
It is interesting to note that to become a prophetic student in the Bible, there are royalties to be paid.
The Prophetic Ministry also demands and gives royalties from/to their benefactors.
A vivid example is the case of the Shunammite woman.
As I earlier stated, it is when you have edified the vineyard of Christ in the Prophetic vein can you be regarded as an Executive Prophet.
The office of the prophetic seems lucrative and the whole of Christianity wants to function in it.
There are diverse gifts and the Holy Spirit gives utterances.
But one can also function in these diverse gifts if one will pay the sacrifice needed as the Holy Spirit gives utterance.
I also saw on my Twitter feed, a well-respected International man of God preached on Balance.
You can be an Executive Spiritually Motivated Prophet but balance should be applied so one wouldn't be after gain like Balaam.
I call you Blessed,
Jesus is Lord,
We Win.


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