Power is the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events,

It is also the ability to do work or act uniquely,

Poverty is the state of being inferior in quality or insufficient in amount,

It is also the act of being extremely poor, 

Potential is the latent qualities or abilities that may be developed and lead to future success or usefulness,

It is also having or showing the capacity to develop into something in the future.

There are three distinct differences between the Capitals of the World,

You either fall into the categories of the Power capitals, Potential capitals, or the Poverty capitals of this planet,

Since records have begun, there has been a not-up to 1.5% of capitals change from Poverty to Power.

A vivid example is Tokyo since the Hiroshima catastrophe.

How does Bill Gates now propose that by the year 2035, Poverty would have been erased from the Planet?

It is not far-fetched;

The rate at which the Digital Economy is being infused with the Poverty Capital of the world viz the Potential is alarming and if this adoption is widespread, it can catapult the poverty capitals to be in the same league with the Power world economically up until 2035.

The introduction of Digital Currencies is also speeding up this adoption rate.

The emergence of decentralized exchanges is moving the markets gradually away from traditional centralized ones too by providing more security and seamless transactions.

When these Poverty Capitals fully utilize the beauty of Artificial Intelligence, then Poverty can be erased from our Planet,

Is it an easy task? Absolutely no, but all hands must be on deck to achieve a Poverty-Free capital of the World.

It Is Possible.


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