Eons of time ago, before the Big Bang, there was a Frequency at play.

From the inception of the Big Bang to the creation of the Universe as it is now, a Modulation of Frequencies has been going on all these times.

There is a certain frequency that allows for all the Planets to be formative and the ever-expansion of the observable Universe.

The advent of Technology in our present-day World is also happening on a Frequency.

Fishes live in the Ocean, Plants grow on Land, Birds flies in the Air, Sun shines in the Day and the Moon at Night all happen within a range of Frequencies.

The Force at which these Frequencies operate has almost eluded the perception of creatures living in this Sphere, especially Man.

He understands to a limit that's why he can observe Microorganisms, sends crafts to Space, and observe different constellations and Galaxies according to his Limited Perception et al,

No Wonder he has a term called Intelligent Beings, these are Creatures and Objects beyond his intellectual Capacity.

What will happen if the Frequency he is on now is altered,

Will his fate be like his Unintelligent  Ancestors, the Dinosaurs?

Is he better Equipped than his Salient Ancestry that couldn't help themselves during the Plagues that had ravaged them e.g Bubonic et al, 

The recent Health crisis (Covid-19) he encountered says much about his preparedness for any changes in Frequencies.

 He is at the mercy of the Frequency not Changing, 

Man himself is not helping matters as his Biosphere is at risk of collapsing due to Climate Change.

The Positive here is that as he is learning about his environments and discoveries are made in every facet of his endeavors, he is making new ways to better the Planet and Sensitization is being created daily to revert the dangers of hurting the planet and ultimately hurting himself.


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