

02/10/18 A DATE WITH DESTINY. 27/09/18 Some few days ago, I met with Jesus physically in the form of an Old Man with Elephantiasis and a cut leg thumb(right) and that date 3rd/1st/2nd. THANKS HOLY SPIRIT:The Bible says the 1st would become last and the last the first. He came to his own but they rejected him but to as many that will receive him, to them he gave power to become sons of God 


 A dangerous and dainty world we live in. We are surrounded by the intricacies of the mystery of Its formation. The Ethers we are surrounded with gives a glimpse of the tenacities of its compositions. Its piety although almost sub-conjugated by a major revolver is one of the reasons for being alive. This entity has a life expectancy of 2 Billion years in record timing but the synchronicities of phasing out its years before total catabolism is 12%. Major Forms of revolvers contribute to the main decline of its form. Pure undiluted sacred treasures found in this world are unstable in their form at this point due to the activities of different forms of scavengers. The highest revolvers of these treasures in an attempt to attain gross civility make culprits these dainty entities. Minor revolvers do little in the midst of these chaos. The World will get rid of the revolvers by brumating itself Into Ice Age. Until then, major revolver might be an interplanetarian but would the new world not


 MAJOR RELIGION ON THE PLANET On this Planet Earth, I'm not talking about another... The finest's of the religions is Islam. This is due in part to the diligence of the extent of their upholding morality. This is no upbeat why Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the past decade. The icing on the cake is that there are hadiths and *Aaya for every form of Spirituality and Spiritual Warfare and these Demons condescend to their Authority. What could anyone be asking for again? Islamahs are already settled on Earth. As per Christianity, Let me bring my demography to Nigeria alone. In the Early Development of Christianity in Nigeria, these Morals were adhered to. For example, Holiness, just as in the days of the Apostles, up to the 1970s, Christians can get Jobs by referral. What happened in modern-day Turkiye that turned it into a Muslim Territory would in a few years to come have made the whole world a Monotheic Earth if not for a greater force bigger than the Angel overseeing


QUANTUM COMPUTING  Can Quantum Computers have Consciousness, Feelings, and Understanding? Since Time immemorial, Humanity has evolved from Stone Age to what we see today, Artificial Intelligence. In all of these, Technological Advancement has also aged with Humans. Even Religious World Leaders do none or little to effect these changes but spoke of realities beyond this sphere. When I got acquainted with this topic on Twitter based on an article I read, 'Quantum Parallelism' got my fancy. The invention of Videos, Cameras, et al, made it possible for Parallels among Humans. Humans can basically watch themselves on videos after recording. Being Conscious while recording and reviewing gives a foretaste of Quantum Computing to rewatch previous Consciousness and these can be shared millions of times. "The key idea in many Worlds' interpretation is that when we measure a quantum system, the universe somehow branches into multiple copies, corresponding to each of the possible


 FREQUENCIES Eons of time ago, before the Big Bang, there was a Frequency at play. From the inception of the Big Bang to the creation of the Universe as it is now, a Modulation of Frequencies has been going on all these times. There is a certain frequency that allows for all the Planets to be formative and the ever-expansion of the observable Universe. The advent of Technology in our present-day World is also happening on a Frequency. Fishes live in the Ocean, Plants grow on Land, Birds flies in the Air, Sun shines in the Day and the Moon at Night all happen within a range of Frequencies. The Force at which these Frequencies operate has almost eluded the perception of creatures living in this Sphere, especially Man. He understands to a limit that's why he can observe Microorganisms, sends crafts to Space, and observe different constellations and Galaxies according to his Limited Perception et al, No Wonder he has a term called Intelligent Beings, these are Creatures and Objects bey


 CAN DEVELOPMENTS BE UNILATERAL, Before the evolution of living things through to the evolved Homo Sapien, there was a Unit entity that explodes into various units which were termed 'The Big Bang Theory. With these evolved the Solar System and all others known and unknown in the observable Universe. It was from the Big Bang do we have terminologies, Fission and Fusion, although the name came to use year's later. Decades passed before the Classification of living things by Carolus Linnaeus. It was from this observation that there were distinguishing features among creations that inhabit the planet. In 560 BC, the Greek state of Lydia in Asia Minor introduced the first gold coins. The use of gold coins as currency spread quickly throughout the Mediterranean and the Middle East regions further disintegrating the impact of Bi-lateral buying and selling. The ages of these Philosophers, Saint Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274), Aristotle (384–322 BCE) Confucius (551–479 BCE) RenĂ© Descartes (


  MY ODYSSEY AT UNIVERSITY OF LAGOS NIGERIA. During my first year in school with CHM 102 practicals. I missed a session and still managed to garner a 68 score while the overall best student in unilag in my dept also had a B. During my stay as a BCH student, I never had an 'A' in Biochemistry courses and never had a 'C' in Chemistry courses. I was pained in BCH 307 course where I had a 'C' and a very close friend had an 'A'. The most painful is my seminar presentation where I had the best slide presentation for the day but still got a 'B' all by the same lecturer to say a few. My colleagues would say despite my handwriting I still do not have a carryover and in Ekimini Anthony's voice: Seun how do you normally do it that you don't normally have carryover in BCH courses? Noah, this guy is a genius ooo or what do you think?  I'll just smile. My lecturer crush while I was still in university was #Dr_Ezikpe and the reason was that we ki