
Showing posts from September, 2022


 NORD PIPE What if the activities for all of the world from Eternity Past, Present, and Eternity Future were all relative, What if the battles we are facing today, the conflicts, are in continuation till the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, What if the Freedom we seek on Earth to do whatever we like that is not in Christ is albeit a sign for the mark of the beast,  If the Divine lives through Nord, does Hades lives adjacent? What could have been if the connecting Pipe between Nord and Hades were not severe in the first place, All of Creation would be in Conjugation and Bliss, Alas! We are doom because the Nord Pipe is broken


 IJAKUMO The Yoruba culture is rich in its Heritage, There are various diety accustomed to this culture, Many of these diety are spirits, They are mostly nocturnal beings, Although few roam during the day, It is mostly believed evil spirits roams on a sunny day, While both good and bad spirits roam at night, The spirit world is a parallel to what we have in the spiritual world they believe, This means whatever happens in the physical had been played out in the spirit world, 95% of the Yoruba indigenous people are mostly spiritual, 65% of this irrespective of the western religion are occultic/spiritualist, The spirituality of a Yoruba indigene is imbibed in Igba irumole(200 dieties) and more, It is of course worthy to note that the Yoruba believe the incarnation of the deities upon them, Few of those incarnated by the deities are regarded as gods, These give them superiority above ordinary indigenes, These in terms of spirituality are term Alpha Individuals. Alpha Males are different fr


CONFORMABLE POWERS There be many who roam this Universe, both clean and unclean. Many are associated with fairy tales of their capabilities. The Population of Humans veered toward many Heroes, heroines, and Villains either as their saviors or who they dreaded the most. In the Mythology of my culture, the Yoruba culture, there are different gods associated with diverse functionality and operability. They are worshipped and served with uttermost reverence. These gods have the oblations performed unto them at their appropriate times, For example, the god of Iron popularly called 'Ogun' in my dialect is a god that is associated with all kinds of metals you can find on this planet, and dogs are used in performing oblations with its blood. Numerous other gods with their symbolic rites, All of these with every other idol are answerable to one true God of the Universe. Most Religious Leaders that have graced this planet bring messages of Hope, Blessings, and Comfort, and few


 MY BIASES So many people believe that all intelligent beings on this Planet have free will and choices to make the most of their Lives, They assume the Supreme being has given them to choose between Choices, some say good and evil. When in the real sense nobody on Earth or in Heaven has a freewill over his/her Choices and how they play out in Life, We are all acting according to a script that has been prewritten before the foundations of the World were laid..., Will I call it Destiny? Certainly, No, but a force that is greater than Destiny itself, A Pastor where I was going in School fellowship made a perfect scenario where he wore cloth pretending to be going out and going back inside while he was still a teenager mocking that God will not know what he just did. We all are playing according to the Divine Script as Pilate said: "What has been written as been written" Do you have a say in this matter? Absolutely No, The ancient knows what will play out at the end of days, Do


YOUNG EARTH, This will be from two perspectives, first the Scientific view and the Scriptural view When I gazed back and look at the years of all the revolutions that's ravaged the planet, I do but wonder how young the planet is in relation to when we started dating from centuries. Industrial Revolution is the crater of the iceberg in all of this, I do but also wonder how inimical humans have been towards themselves and the planet, I am also in awe of the Life Cycles of beings of the Planet,  It is also noteworthy to infer that Earth has about 1.5 Billions years to support Life. I'm awe struck when I wonder about the medieval times and the Evolution of Species. Like a song; Forever Young, I wanna Live Forever Young Biblically, It was a beauty to behold how semi-cordial the medieval time was and interpersonal relationships between species at those times, At least there was an account that Matthew was a Sub-Specie to Sapiens then, yet they lived cordially. The class in these time


OCTOBER, THURSDAY AND 8 "I've had this in mind for a long time, it came again today. Apart from weekends, there is actually a day of the week where no matter the amount of work one does that day, it's always flexin. Find out the day, you'll be looking forward to that day than the weekends. It works" That above was my Tweet at 8:45pm August 5 2021. Link: Actually, my resting day is on a Thursday. On this day, I find anything I do Pleasurable. I just saw a tweet on Twitter, that highlighted October, Thursday and 8, I'll be highlighting their responses: @Mark_Phyna tweeted; To expand on that: 8PM and October *are* actually the same, in their relation to the end of their respective time frame. 20/24 (hrs) = 10/12 (months) = 0.83. As for Thursday, it's time frame is the work week, ending with Friday. 4/5 = 0.8, very close to 0.83. Pretty neat imo! @parkinglotz tweet


 QUE SAIS-JE? I heard of a Man who had Kidney Complications, in fact, a french scientist in the midcentury because it is condescending to leave a bouquet and ease oneself. The man died of these complications. I was out to get his name on the internet and write tonight the values of the ancient and how they affect our world today. I couldn't get a head-on but I came across a name which blew my mind; MICHEL DE MONTAIGNE, He is regarded as the father of Essays. While reading through his Life, Privileges of a freeborn in the ancients as it is related to being born from a wealthy family nowadays can not be overemphasized, His Works on Education strike the most: Here's an excerpt from Wikipedia; "Tutors needed to teach students through experience rather than through the mere memorization of information often practiced in book learning. He argued that students would become passive adults, blindly obeying and lacking the ability to think on their own" Most of the education we


 WILL JESUS GETS MARRIED WHEN HE RETURNS? The Muslims have a more comprehensive detailed history of the Life of Jesus Christ. The point here is not to debate whether they are right or wrong. One may be swayed aside if you are not versed in Christian Theology. One of their solid point is Jesus Christ did not get married in his earlier Life but will do so when he returns to Earth. Isn't it astonishing that majority of Muslims now believes Jesus Christ will Ultimately return, Will Jesus Christ get married? So Many theologians have likened the marriage to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. This is not totally correct!!!,  Jesus Christ will present his Bride unblemished before the Throne of God. Remember Jesus Christ return to Earth is for his Millennial Reign on Earth. The Marriage they so Misinterpretated is the Bride being knitted with Christ through out the reign and he being the Head of Government. Like a Citizen of America is born, bred, based in the country. His loyalty is to Ameri


 TAKETH THY CROWN Revelations 3:11 Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. I am poised to ask this question; Can another Man take up your Crown? Base Reading; 1st Corinthians 15:41 There is one glory of the sun and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory. Take the account of the Parable of the Talents, for example, the unfaithful servant's talent was taken from him and given to the one with more talents. Jesus referenced; Matthew 25:29 For unto everyone that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him, that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath. This is a popular chapter and people know this. But there is a twist to this; Do you know that even before we get into God's Kingdom, the Devil can snatch one's Crown while on Earth? Let me explain: This Crown is the culmination of our earthly labor in the vineyards of our Master. More re


 HOW DO I START?.... My Dad's name is David Akiniyi Oguntokun. He was a Muslim who converted to Christianity and he joined the choir. He said they were to do a choir anniversary at our church, CAC Oke Ayo Agugu Ibadan, and the whole choristers were asked to bring a song for the anniversary. When it was time for him to teach the choir, the intonation of his former religion was glaring, and the whole choristers made jest of him. Thank God for the Choir Master (C.M) (if you have a father, you can go further), he called him and they reconstructed the song. THAT WAS THEIR BEST SONG ON THE ANNIVERSARY THAT YEAR. You remember 'David' in the Bible. My Mum's name is Serah Adefunke..... In her case, Serah in the Bible suffered because her womb was shut and was a mockery to her maid 'Hagai'. Her form of reproach is that she has been suffering all her years up till this moment, but the latter glory will be revealed (Laughter). YOUR NAME YOUR IDENTITY Oluwabusayo, Oluwabisol


 Even before the fall of Adam, there has been a Power tussle in the Cosmos about who is the most revered especially in the Universe. May it be known that the Garden of Eden is not anywhere near this Planet. This Sphere seems to be a Punishing atmosphere for erring creatures made by the Divine. As Satan was exiled into this World, Humans were also exited from the Garden. You may want to ask, how did he gain entrance then into the Garden of Eden. Refer back to the first sentence as I wouldn't want to bore you with endless theology. Satan was so powerful to the extent that he dragged the body of Moses. Angel Michael had to use a Mystery stranger to Satan to shelve him to claim Moses. The power Satan wields was so powerful that he invaded the gathering of Saints and the Most High had to peruse a dialogue to distract him from the intents and prayers of the other Saints so as not to contaminate their Oblations. The reason for all these shows of force from the Devil is Simple. Why, Up unt

News around the World for the Month of September

 This is the 2nd Earthquake in 2 weeks. 1. Papua New Guinea, 2. Taiwan, Both of almost the *Same magnitude!!!,  What is the PlanetClock trying to infer? Are we in for new Surprises, 😮? Earthians, MADIRA OOO...... Again, In the news, Between 1 week, 1. Typhoon Nanmadol landed in Japan,  2. Hurricane Fiona in Puerto Rico,  Still, Earthians are not helping Matters 1. Azerbaijan 🇦🇿 and Armenia 🇦🇲  2. Kyrgyzstan 🇰🇬 and Tajikistan 🇹🇯  are in Wars, Not neglecting Ukraine Russia. We'd destroy our Home Planet at this rate If you notice, I've always waited till I hear the Second News, I'm no bad news anchor, Climate Change is a thing on this Planet right now, Mexico is being hit by a 7.6 Magnitude Earthquake right now, Looking at this from the lens of Spirituality, It's as if we are being prepared for the day of judgment. And that we are being attacked with a Vial from one of the Wraths of God.

Movie or Music

 I'm a Movie or Music Person. The activities of the World Wide World are like a movie, Permit me; A single be aye was bi ala ti a nro, We're living our lives like a fairy tale, Music is the drive that ensures its sweetness,  Since a movie can be one way-Villain and Hero, Music is Multidimensional,  Music is the Savor of Life. Music evades the troubles of Life, There are different genres of Music suitable for different Life Situations,  Although there are different types of movies too, the main characters in a Movie are the Villains and heroes, Music is Soothing to the Soul, That can't be much said about Movies, Music in its compendium Is being used to describe all events of Human affairs: A typical example is; ...danced to the Music which is an Idiom meaning to 'get into trouble Music in essence is Life.

Coveting Another's Success

 The Holy Spirit has shown me this early this year, I saw it again now, I thought to share,  I have always been careful to share or wish for the good of others,  By these, I'm no bad belle ooo,  I'd wish them well,  But rarely covet for what they have,  Why? I'd been told that the Source or Foundation of a thing is all that Matters!!!, If the Source is not clean, And There are so many numerous Spirits roaming on this Sphere,  The Sacrifice they made to get their crafts,  Are you willing to Pay? Wishing for their Successes activates these uncanny Demons,  Your inability to pay the Sacrifice required to earn this will only make these Demons knickknacks with one's Destiny!!!, Instead,  I go to the Real Source, But, Here's the twist of faith, The Owner of the Universe will now *Compend these demons to bid to your requests since HE'S THE SOLE ADMINISTRATOR OF THE WHOLE UNIVERSE, and, He Promised, He'll give me the Riches of the Gentiles!!!, I call you Blessed!!!,


 AQUA means water... Aquatic environment means the area of the planet covered with water. About 1.7% of these waters are in ice and snow. The aquatic environment can be divided into 2 based on taste: 1. Freshwater  2. Saltwater  The majority of fresh water on earth about 68.7% is held in ice caps and glaciers. Water I can say is a major source of life as one can only last 7 to 10 days without it. The reasons earth is still a planet and habitable for living is water and various organism living in it.  For example:- Humans are at a very critical stage now due to the coronavirus because it affects our essence of living i.e the respiratory system. If it were to be the phytoplanktons living in the water bodies providing 50%-85% of the world's oxygen that was affected, I can boldly say three-quarter of the world is good as dead. A known fact is also that humans have only explored not more than 1% of the aquatic environment. Now with all these prepositions that show that water is, if not