
Showing posts from October, 2022


 CAN DEVELOPMENTS BE UNILATERAL, Before the evolution of living things through to the evolved Homo Sapien, there was a Unit entity that explodes into various units which were termed 'The Big Bang Theory. With these evolved the Solar System and all others known and unknown in the observable Universe. It was from the Big Bang do we have terminologies, Fission and Fusion, although the name came to use year's later. Decades passed before the Classification of living things by Carolus Linnaeus. It was from this observation that there were distinguishing features among creations that inhabit the planet. In 560 BC, the Greek state of Lydia in Asia Minor introduced the first gold coins. The use of gold coins as currency spread quickly throughout the Mediterranean and the Middle East regions further disintegrating the impact of Bi-lateral buying and selling. The ages of these Philosophers, Saint Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274), Aristotle (384–322 BCE) Confucius (551–479 BCE) RenĂ© Descartes (


  MY ODYSSEY AT UNIVERSITY OF LAGOS NIGERIA. During my first year in school with CHM 102 practicals. I missed a session and still managed to garner a 68 score while the overall best student in unilag in my dept also had a B. During my stay as a BCH student, I never had an 'A' in Biochemistry courses and never had a 'C' in Chemistry courses. I was pained in BCH 307 course where I had a 'C' and a very close friend had an 'A'. The most painful is my seminar presentation where I had the best slide presentation for the day but still got a 'B' all by the same lecturer to say a few. My colleagues would say despite my handwriting I still do not have a carryover and in Ekimini Anthony's voice: Seun how do you normally do it that you don't normally have carryover in BCH courses? Noah, this guy is a genius ooo or what do you think?  I'll just smile. My lecturer crush while I was still in university was #Dr_Ezikpe and the reason was that we ki


 OPEN SECRET. Angels are said to be assigned to every single individuals that have graced the face of this planet. So many a time I have taken for granted the Powers and Grace afforded to me. This is partly because I am a carefree person and do not always take all things with gravity. When Dogs bark at Night, they are said to have seen an Evil spirit, When Cocks crew at Daytime, they are said to have seen an Angel. This Scenario was heavy when I came from Katsina in 2018. Anywhere I pass or go through, a Cock will always crow. Recently, I thought maybe I am Peter still denying Jesus Christ everytime. Still up till this moments but not has heavy as then, 60% if I am passing a surrounding and there is a cock, there is a possibility that they would crow. As of these morning, 2 cock had crew. Will these stop, I don't know!!!,  But I feel I am at the forefront of even fulfilling greater Destiny. Jesus Christ is Lord. We Win.


 DE-BRIEFING Elon Musk sometime ago was lamenting on population Decline, Now a very real case of Covid19 Vaccines posing a dangerous Heart Attack threat to individuals between ages 18-39. Florida Health Department carried out this research spearheaded by their Yoruba Surgeon General Joseph A. Ladapo So many things running through my head. My conclusion is; WHAT IS THEIR END GOAL? 1. Depopulating the Planet? The case of Covid Vaccine has been pointed out reducing sperm count. But this basis has not been scientifically proven. 2. Genetic Cleansing Like Adolf Hitler did in Germany wiping out people who had defective genetic makeup. 3. One can see their rage in 2019 when it had Minimal effect on Africans. 4. Own Goal? Does Big Pharma want to make excessive money to run the economics of the planet? 5. To kickstart the build-up of the City of Atlantis thereby eradicating weaker species by competition, and being unable to adapt for survival? 6. Towards preparation for the initiation of Artifi


 ASCENDED MASTERS There is so many Philosophy in the World that speaks about religion and which to practice to reach the Aquarian Age or Paradise. There are Nine different levels of initiation on the Planet, the Sixth level is the Level of the Ascended master, and the Fifth level is the Level of Ancient Wisdom. The occupiers of this ninth level are Sanat Kumara who the Christians have designated Satan. He often appears as a 16-year-old male. This confirms the Biblical sayings of Jesus Christ that Satan masquerades as the angel of light. A 16-year-old is almost pure in heart with less vices. Jesus Christ occupied the Sixth Level of Initiation which is why he is regarded as the Ascended Master. It is also said that the Violet Flame rules Karma and it determines if one is going to Paradise or Hell. It is said that God is a consuming fire speaks of the Violet Flame. Humans can attain the Fourth level of initiation when it comes to the consciousness of self-awareness. He would later attain


 SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY The art of being an insurrectionist to a Nation is known as Seditious Conspiracy. To conspire to a political government either as a Mole In the government or as an ordinary citizen. In the United States, this offense is liable to a fine, or 10 years or more jail. This kinds of Conspirator are said to be fighting for a course truthful to them as so other types of conspiracy but this is to a Sovereign Body. There are different types of Conspiracy according to the Subject Matter they Conspire against. Few of these are UFO/UAP Conspiracy, Religion Conspiracy, Earth's Conspiracy and so on. Most of these Conspiracy do more harm than good and they are not backed by Scientific Knowledge and Research, thereby misleading unsuspecting individuals. In rare cases, these conspiracy theories do come to pass, I'll attribute this to a random error made by infinitesimal deviations from proven epistemal theories and discoveries. Could Conspiracy Theory afford a Major Change


 EXECUTIVE PROPHETS DISCLAIMER: I may indirectly make references to posts of reputable men of God. This is not an attack on their personality or the anointing they carry. It is merely an observation. I will in no wise in my entirety mock or jest an anointed Man of God. Be it far from me. A Prophet is a person regarded as an inspired teacher or proclaimer of the will of God. A Prophet is also someone who declares publicly a message that he or she believes has come from God or god or a person who predicts the future. Executive Prophet will on the other hand be a well-known acclaimed Man of God who has been tested and proven so many times and his prophecies are almost always accurate. It is also worthy to note that Executive Prophet can also mean a well-accomplished or well-to-do individual whose sources may or may not necessarily be from God. I watched a Video on Twitter tonight which has since been deleted which says: 'You can live a "golden spoon lifestyle" even i


 WAVE The ripples made by water compound to form waves. A wave can be described as a disturbance that travels through a medium from one location to another location. There are different kinds of waves based on the medium propagating them. In 1690, the first types of waves were formally put into scientific research and writings. It may be worthy to say that the kind of wave so discovered at this time is the most important kind of wave to have been presently discovered. Light Waves in all its form give light to what is known today and in the Cosmos. Humanity would have been in its crude form for eons of years without light. Surprisingly, the planet is undergoing excruciating flares of rays from its primary light source due to climate change. In Spirituality, there is a surge of light in what is perceived between the leftists and the rightists. The rightist believes there is a surge of false awakening into the Aquarius age while the leftist is on this page. I want to believe in the Bible


 POWER, POVERTY, POTENTIAL, Power is the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events, It is also the ability to do work or act uniquely, Poverty is the state of being inferior in quality or insufficient in amount, It is also the act of being extremely poor,  Potential is the latent qualities or abilities that may be developed and lead to future success or usefulness, It is also having or showing the capacity to develop into something in the future. There are three distinct differences between the Capitals of the World, You either fall into the categories of the Power capitals, Potential capitals, or the Poverty capitals of this planet, Since records have begun, there has been a not-up to 1.5% of capitals change from Poverty to Power. A vivid example is Tokyo since the Hiroshima catastrophe. How does Bill Gates now propose that by the year 2035, Poverty would have been erased from the Planet? It is not far-fetched; The rate at which the Digi


 THIRTY PIECES Silver in medieval times was more valuable than gold, Imagine what 15 pieces of Silver will be worth assuming we were in that era now, Silver will ultimately command other global resources, The economy of the world will revolve around Silver, The age for entering into real adulthood starts from age Thirty, The Pearl Jubilee is a time to plunge into whatever destinies one is assigned to on this planet, The only Prime Minister of Egypt was Thirty years when he became one, David was also celebrating his Pearl Jubilee when he became King, Jesus Christ celebrates his Thirtieth Anniversary before the start of the Ministry, It is of no wise not to conclude that the first Thirty years of a Man's life are to prepare him for his adventures in life, whether palatable or not, For Thirty Pieces of Silver would Judas Iscariot sell his Soul to the devil and bring about the justification of humanity redeemed by the Blood of Jesus Christ. THIRTY PIECES can either Make You or Mar You.